Monday, May 10, 2010

Test Speed for Flashdisk

How fast is your flashdisk?? In this case the "speed" is read and write speed. We will measure how fast our flashdisk in reading data or writing with a software called Flash Memory Tool Kit.

Flash Memory Toolkit consists of various facilities that are useful for flash memory, which we can know information about flash memory, data backup, restore lost files, and measure the performance of flash memory. Benchmark File, is a facility which we will use to measure the performance of flash memory this time.

Screenshot :

I've tested 2 of my flashdisk.

This is the result :

1. Advance Vandisk 2 GB

Read = 19 Mbps
Write = 5 Mbps

2. Gemini UT-163 2 GB

Read = 10 Mbps
Write =  2 Mbps

Now is your turn to test you own flashdisk!



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