Friday, December 10, 2010

The Fugly Thuggers!

"Where's the poppy's? Who forgot the poppy's? Oh for fuck sake! Lets burn a Christmas tree, piss on Churchill and desecrate war veteran statues instead. That'll get us attention"
Probably the average level of conversation the idiots that were violent at the student protests could reach.

Oh dear...Well the rioting was one thing. The fires and silly smoke bombs were another, I even don't have too massive an opinion on the injured police officers..But now thing have gone even farther. And it makes me sick.

This dirty scum, they believe it acceptable to desecrate statues of war heroes. Yet I bet they would have had a very big opinion on the Muslim Fanatics, and would've said they deserve to be burnt etc. The girl who swung from the cenotaph in memory of war heroes who have died! The guy who took a piss on Churchill, I mean I find Churchill a bit annoying but I'd never piss on the man he did his best for this country in a hard time.
They Burnt the Christmas tree in from Trafalgar square, absolutely destroying it. The very Christmas tree which Norway give us as thanks for saving them from the Nazi's in tradition. 

What did this achieve? They forget the Spirit Of Christmas

What makes all this worse than the Muslim Fanaics who burnt the poppys is the fact that most of these students are british, they desecrate the british name. By doing thisk, they stoo to the same level and make so we can't have an opinon on the Muslim Fanatics as we are just as bad. Well I want to make it clear that I as a student, and a british citizen I fucking hate them students. They will forever stay in the fugly file! And If I ever met them I would be surely the first to let them know I don't see them as British or people or a representative of a student. I see them as in the same league as the small minority of people who posed as Muslims burning poppies on remembrance day. At least they came from a past where they were angry at violence done to there relatives r friends or culture. The government aren't being violent to students there just taking the piss...Doesn't mean we should take out on our grandparents! 

I think the country should find them haters, chew them up, spit them up. They owe apologies. This is no tug of war of what's right or wrong, they are wrong and an embarrassment. I thought it was Student Rights Not Riots. In the world of the good the bad and the fugly, they are definitely Fugly Thuggers. 

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