Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Warm Hearts Through Cold Nights...Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas To You...
Escape the cold, Light a fire, make a hot chocolate, hold a loved on.
It's all the same means to an end.

We've all experienced the cold, and we all think of the warmth that were trying to get to when were in the cold. We can learn a lot from ourselves, from our own need to reach the warmth. Through this we teach ourselves without even realising, if we'd just stop to see ourselves. We teach ourselves, that through the cold we should hunt for the warmth.
We do it physically, well why not emotionally? We never stand around in the cold. But why do we stand around in our cold thoughts and memories. Why do we linger on the unhappiness, when we could search for the warmth. We wrap ourselves up in blankets and scarves. We take care that our loved ones are warm and snug. Well isn't it time we took the cold, and wrapped that up. Heat it up with warmth and love. Sit down with your coldness and hand it a hot chocolate. Think of the warmth in your life, and you'll be on your way out of the cold. We should Live For The Love In Our Lives

What makes you colder in life can only make the warmth that little bit warmer.

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