Monday, May 7, 2007

30th Party, messy as your Mam!

Well where to start......what an awesome time I had!!! I am pretty sure that the rest of the Katz also had fun, you get m'eh?

I had come off the back of a pretty harsh week at work (and one random Blind Date, two drinks and I was off. Nice girl.) and was really looking forward to seeing everyone.

Rusty, as usual was super slick and organised and said he was landing at 8PM at Gatwick. We exchanged a few calls and I had arranged to pick him up at South Ken tube station, a few mins before I left work on Friday the phone rang. It was Rusty, he had landed at 6PM at Heathrow! Nice one, he sorted himself out and got on the train to mine. It turned out that Pete, before even arriving at mine for the weekend had booked and paid for some flights to London, only the weekend before! Rusty you are a legend!

He got to mine and Rags came round and cooked us an awesome dinner, Pete wanted some 'pizza' so Rags made us one. Only he used a MASSIVE rump steak as a base rather than dough! We feasted and drank much wine and generally caught up, Rags went off home and me and Pete some how managed to work through 3 bottles of red and stayed up until 4.30am babbling. Hannah (Rusty's Doris) was even lucy enough to get a nice phone call just as Rusty was getting into bed, she answered and all she heard was the sound of some rustling and a snore!

The next day he and I got up about 9ish and went for a Full English at Fuel just round the corner. Energised by this we popped round to Rag's place and eneded up sawing a railway sleeper into 3 bits with nothing but a saw! (Pete started it, Rags and I were about to fook off to hire a massive chainsaw but Pete cut us down to size and said we could just do it by hand....Note to self don't be such a softy in future). After that we did a bit more of sorting at Rag's place.

I spent the rest of the day faffing about trying to get food and beer for the 'Rinse out' that I had planned back at mine after the Glow Luonge. Kris, Frodo and Mikey D turned up on time in the mid afternoon and we just chilled out. About 5PM we decided that enough was enough and headed off to the pub for a pre party beer. Clapham was sunny enough and we all had a few pints. I knicked off home for a shower and some snap about left with Frodo to Glow about 7.30.

He and I were very promply greeted by a few people that actually turned up on time and the party got into the swing of things. The Katz that were at my place said they'd be here in 5 mins and didnt show up for another hour and a half. At the time I was just fitting that they were back at mine drinking my champers and not representing in the Glow but later on in the evening I was greeted with the above cake. Which was an AWESOME touch, thanks a lot dudes!! I loved it so much that I lit the candles again at mine today and took this pic! Sad I know.....

The party rocked the bar filled up (yeah all there for my party, yipee ;-P!!) and I got more drunk and had a cool time. As usual at these things I spend most of the night just walking about chatting to everyone and fleeting between different groups, my playlist went down alright I think (avoided the RaggaForce temptation, it was hard) and the night flew past. We all left at 1ish and I rocked back to mine and got the party going at the Yukon Delta. That's when people really started to let their hairdown....

I can't really remember the order and I think the only things I can say are these;

- Cormac pulled a lovely lady and spent the first few HOURS of the party barracaded in my front room in a booze fuelled humping, grinding and slobber-fest. Nice, we finally moved them off to the stairs after a bit
- Paula, well you know what you did and who you kissed.
- Eoin snogged a nice curly haired lass, then spent the rest of the night asleep standing up in the bathroom and finished it off on the floor of my kitchen after having passed out. He fell on my table smashing glasses, bottles and leaving a river of booze for me and Kristina (THANKS FOR THE HELP) to clean up the next day. (Good 'Representing' there for the Bradleys, am glad Dazzer wasnt there! NOT REALLY).
- There were three rooms of music and at one point Breasty and Will came running to find me because they thought that the throng of people jumping up and down in my front room were going to fall through the floor. Lucky the neighbours weren't in! (Someone put Superstylin' on by GA and it went MENTAL!)
- Frodo told a very funny joke. 'What is the difference between an egg and a waank? You can beat an egg you can't beat a waank!'
- The Uni lot also represented big style.
- Pete went to another party after mine and woke me up at 8.30am to let him in my flat (what you said kept Will, Kelly and Barb amused all day yesterday......Thanks.
- Pete and Cormac slept on my sofas only to realise that I have a sofa-bed, the next day.....

To be honest, lots went on and I dont have any pictures and even if I did I am sure I wouldn't want to put them up for all to was wicked to see everyone, the party rocked and everyone deserves a massive High Five.

Shame that some of you couldnt be there. If anyone does have any pics can you send them over?


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