Wednesday, February 17, 2010

As JC life begins to draw to a quiet close (hahaha technically JC life is over but it doesn't really feel like that's the case yet huh), and fellow classmates busy themselves with serving the nation (involuntarily), work, ecetera ecetera, I'm sure the 6V SPIRIT still burns strongly in each and every one of us (:

Corina and I were reading the archives of the class blog the other day, and it really dawned on us that we've really been thru so much tgt as a class of 26 (: we're truly united and we stand tgt, firm and tall in the face of all adversity. Still rmb the times of ouch (i rmb all the aosa, aosala, aosara etcetc), the times we scaled LT4 side wall on Fridays after phy prac while waiting for math lecture HAHA (ninja warriors) among others? (: Those times were priceless and I'm sure they will always remain dear to our hearts (:

As we go about life in the next few months and years, let us always be together, whether physically (WEEKLY/MONTHLY CLASS DINNERS, ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY), emotionally, or in spirit. No doubt we will make new friends and forge new relationships in Uni/NS, but let us never forget (hey isnt this the title of some HC song) the times we've had tgt as 6V, AS THE MIGHTY 6V :D

We are each unique individuals in our own rights, special in our own ways, and I have confidence we will all go far and make something of our lives! (:


6V FTW :D ohhhh and happy belated birthday, 6V (:

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