Monday, April 6, 2009

Joshi Puroresu News

Sad news.
Chris over at Joshi Puroresu News posted this today:

This time it is the end!
I have to stop updating this blog i am afraid as i simply do not have time to keep it up to date. Sorry if you rely on Ice Ribbon results being translated but its quite easy to do yourself anyway with a copy & paste and an online translator. Romaji translator is what i use.
Thanks for all people who have come here over the last few months. The blog will be kept alive in archive mode. LL!

This is sad because his blog was a really good source of up to date Joshi Puroresu news.
He had matches, results, info and really good pictures.
I hate to see the blog go, but I hope it will be back in the future.

You can see his blog here:

technorati tags: wrestling news and rumors, professional wrestling news, wrestling rumors

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